עדכן עלמ"ה - מאי 2019
חברים יקרים,
ברוכים הבאים לניוזלטר מאי 2019. אנחנו מקווים שנהנית מחופשות האביב, ומצפים להמשך שנה מרתקת בתחום המשפט ההומניטארי הבינ"ל.
ברצוני לנצל הזדמנות זו ולברך את נבחרת אוניברסיטת תל-אביב על ניצחונם המדהים במהדורה ה-32 של תחרות ז'אן-פיקטה הבינ"ל היוקרתית. זהו הניצחון הראשון של אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, והשלישי של מוסד ישראלי. ברכות לדנה וקר, ליאן יאסין ותומר לוינגר, המאמנים שלהם רועי אריאב ושני רוזנצוויג והמנחה האקדמי שלהם, ד"ר אליאב ליבליך.
שלוש הקבוצות שזכו ב-12 שנות השתתפותן של קבוצות ישראליות בתחרות ז'אן-פיקטה, ואחרות שהעפילו לחצי הגמר המכובד, מעידות על איכותה של התחרות הארצית הישראלית, שמאורגנת שנתית על ידי הצלב האדום הבינ"ל ובסיועה של עלמ"ה.
אנחנו כבר מצפים לתחרות הארצית הבאה שתתקיים 28-31 באוקטובר 2019.
כמו תמיד, אתם מוזמנים להצטרף לעמוד הפייסבוק שלנו ולעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר. לתמיכה בעלמ"ה ניתן לפנות לדף התרומות.
ניתן להירשם לרשימת התפוצה שלנו בקישור הבא.
עדו רוזנצוייג,
יו"ר עלמ"ה
Opinio Juris Symposium: Soldier Self-Defense
1) Elvina Pothelet and Kevin Jon Heller, Highlighting and Framing the Issue
2) Hans Boddens Hosang and Terry Gill, Netherlands Views on Self-Defence for Military Personnel
3) Camilla G. Cooper and Sigrid Redse Johansen, Norwegian Soldiers’ Self-Defense
4) Randall Bagwell, Individual Self-Defense in Armed Conflict – a US Perspective
5) Bruce Oswald, The Evolution of the UN Doctrine of Self-Defence in UN Peacekeeping
קולות קוראים והזדמנויות נוספות
1) Historical perspectives on medical care in armed conflict, ICRC Law & Policy: The ICRC is interested in a multidisciplinary approach to this issue; submissions from academics or policy researchers with expertise in law, history, military strategy, social science or other relevant fields are welcome. Authors are invited to send short research proposals (about 2 pages) to the Washington Delegation of the ICRC at icrcevents@gmail.com for review and feedback at any time. Completed policy papers should be submitted by31 April 2019.
2) Essay competition - Cyber warfare and artificial intelligence in warfare: On the occasion of the 42nd Round Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the International Committee of the Red Cross are pleased to announce the second ‘Sanremo New Voices in International Humanitarian Law’ essay competition. The winner will be invited to present at the Round Table in Sanremo (Italy) on 4-6 September 2019 and to publish their essay in the proceedings. All essays must be submitted by 7 June 2019.
פרסומים בתחום המשפט הבינ"ל ההומניטרי
1) Charlie Dunlap J.D., Cyber norm development: is the U.S. at an inflection point? (Lawfire)
2) Ruwanthika Gunaratne, Humanitarian Assistance and Security Council Sanctions: Different Approaches to International Humanitarian Law (EJIL: Talk!)
3) Yahli Shereshevsky, HCJ 3003/18 Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights v. Chief of General Staff, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) (Cambridge Core)
4) Leander Beinlich,Germany and its Involvement in the US Drone Programme before German Administrative Courts (EJIL: Talk!)
5) Nicholas Grossman, Trump Cancels Drone Strike Civilian Casualty Report: Does It Matter? (warontherocks)
6) Daniel R. Mahanty and Alex Moorehead,Costs of War Can’t Be Assessed Without Official Civilian Casualty Estimates (Just Security)
אירועים בעולם
1) Geneva 2019 Core Professional Training on Humanitarian Law and Policy: an intensive three-day program that serves as an opportunity for experienced humanitarian practitioners, policymakers, and others operating in or dealing with conflict settings to deepen their understanding of international humanitarian law (IHL) and other legal frameworks applicable in times of war, and to explore related policy and operational challenges. PHAP, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 April - 1 May 2019.
2) Geneva 2019 Thematic Workshop on Effective Implementation of IHL: Challenges and opportunities at national and international levels: Using a holistic approach, this workshop takes stock of implementation mechanisms and processes and how they work in practice. Along with a critical exploration of relevant challenges, this workshop aims to uncover opportunities to use and further strengthen existing mechanisms, as part of protection of civilians efforts. PHAP, Geneva, Switzerland, 2-3 May 2019.
3) Advanced Course on the Law of Armed Conflict: This intensive course is designed for experienced military/civilian legal advisers, military officers and those from Government or International Organisations with an in depth knowledge of IHL/LOAC. International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy, 6-10 May 2019.
4) Course for Directors and Instructors of Training Programmes in Law of Armed Conflict: This Course is designed for military officers, military lawyers and others responsible in planning IHL training and education programmes or those who are involved in writing doctrine, determining training requirements, curriculum development, the design of course modules and materials for IHL education within their armed forces (Directors) and military officers and military lawyers responsible for teaching IHL (Instructors). International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy, 13-17 May 2019.
5) Peace Support Operations Course: The aim of this course is to prepare civilian and military staff augmentees for Peace Support Operations (PSOs) by examining the wide ranging legal issues underpinning PSO mandates and mission design which shape and govern the conduct of operations of the deployed force. International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy, 20-24 May 2019.
מידע על אירועים נוספים ניתן למצוא בדף אירועי IHL מכל העולם באתר עלמ"ה