עדכן עלמ"ה - יוני 2017
חברים שלום,
ברוכים הבאים למהדורת יוני 2017 של העדכן שלנו. החודש ציינו בעולם 40 שנה לאימוץ הפרוטוקולים הנוספים משנת 1977 לאמנות ג'נבה. בהזדמנות זו, עלמה השיקה סקר העוסק בשאלה מה צריך להיות הנושא של הפרוטוקול הרביעי הנוסף משנת 2017? אתם מוזמנים לצפות בתוצאות הסקר בקישור זה. בנוסף, מאמרים ודיונים מעניינים נוספים ניתן למצוא בגרסה המלאה של העדכן באנגלית.
כמו תמיד, אתם מוזמנים להצטרף לעמוד הפייסבוק שלנו ולעקוב אחרינו בטוויטר. לתמיכה בעלמ"ה ניתן לפנות לדף התרומות.
ניתן להירשם לרשימת התפוצה שלנו בקישור הבא.
עדו רוזנצוייג,
יו"ר עלמ"ה
קולות קוראים
1) Call for papers: Yale Law School, Seventh Annual Doctoral Scholarship Conference which will be held on November 10-11, 2017, in New Haven, Connecticut. Applications will be accepted through the online form available at the conference website until July 1, 2017.
2) Call for submissions: Second Annual International and Comparative Disaster Law Essay Contest, 2017. Abstracts shall be submitted by 7 July 2017.
3) Call for proposals: The second annual Symposium on Modern Warfare will take place at Texas Tech University’s International Cultural Center on Friday October 6, 2017. The theme is "Insurgency and .Counter-Insurgency in the modern era of warfare" Deadline for applications is August 1, 2017.
4) Call for proposals: The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions (RLEC) at the University of Haifa invites submissions for a two-day international Symposium on Institutional Structures for Governance Before-During-After a National Emergency , which will be held on December 14-15, 2017, at the University of Haifa.
פרסומים בתחום המשפט הבינ"ל ההומניטרי
1) Junteng Zheng, Chechnya’s Anti-Gay Purge: Crimes Against Humanity (EJIL: Talk)
2) Adil Ahmad Haque, Imminence and Self-Defense Against Non-State Actors: Australia Weighs In (Just Security)
3) Shiri Krebs, Facts, Alternative Facts, and International Law (EJIL Talk)
4) Kai Ambos, Evacuation of Civilian Populations and Criminal Complicity: A Critical Appraisal of the February 2017 Report of the Syria Commission of Inquiry (EJIL Talk)
5) Marko Milanovic, Accounting for the Complexity of the Law Applicable to Modern Armed Conflicts (SSRN)
6) Ben Saul, Many Small Wars: The Classification of Armed Conflicts in the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Western Sahara (Spanish Sahara) in 1974–1976 (SSRN)
7) Senator the Hon. George Brandis QC, Attorney-General of Australia, The Right of Self-Defence Against Imminent Armed Attack In International Law (EjJILTalk)
8ׁׁׂׂ) Julian Ku, Dear Secretary Tillerson (and the World Media): Qatar is NOT Under a “Blockade” (Opinio Juris)
9) Nadarajah Pushparajah, State Obligations towards the Conduct of Armed Non-State Actors in the Perspective of Due Diligence Principle (SSRN)
10) Tom Dannenbaum, The Criminalization of Aggression and Soldiers’ Rights (SSRN)
11) Tom Ruys, Criminalizing Aggression: How the Future of the Law on the Use of Force Rests in the Hands of the ICC (European Journal of International Law (Forthcoming))
12) Ahmar Afaq and Prateep Sarkar, Safeguards to Prisoners of War in International Law: Revisiting from Islamic Law Perspective (SSRN)
13) Monica Hakimi, Macron’s Threat of Reprisals and the Jus ad Bellum (EJIL Talk)
14) Maira Sheikh and Moghees Uddin Khan, Preventive Detention: A Guide to Pakistan's Operations (SSRN)
15) John S. Davis II, Benjamin Adam Boudreaux, Jonathan William Welburn, Jair Aguirre, Cordaye Ogletree, Geoffrey McGovern, Michael Chase, Stateless Attribution, Toward International Accountability in Cyberspace.
אירועי IHL בעולם
1) June 19-23, 2017, 2017 International Criminal Court Summer School (Galway, Ireland)
2) June 19, 2017, Where it Matters - Ways in which humanitarian organisations and donors are stepping up their work to deliver humanitarian responses to those most in need during situations of armed conflict (Geneva, Switzerland)
3) June 27, 2017, IHL Round Table on Applying International Humanitarian Law (IHL) In Cyberspace and Outerspace: Intersecting Critical Challenges (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
4) June 28, 2017, Open House: Executive Master in Inernational Law in Armed Conflict (Geneva, Switzerland)
5) July 3-5, 2017, Advanced Courses on Humanitarian Law and Policy, Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) (Brussels, Belgium)
6) July 15-16, 2017, International Humanitarian Law short course (Cape Town, South Africa).